Effect of Photoperiod on Morphogenesis and Growth of Pinus densiflora Sieb seedlings 光周期对赤松苗木形态建成和生长的影响
Physico-mechanical Properties of Pinus densiflora Plantations of Different Stand Densities 不同林分密度人工林赤松物理力学性质的比较
The effect of pollen of Pinus densiflora on the micronucleus of marrow cells for mouse is tested. 进行了赤松花粉对小白鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核的影响测试。
Study on the D.B.H Distributions of Natural Pinus Densiflora Forests in Yanbian Area 延边地区天然赤松林直径分布的研究&延边地区天然赤松林研究之一
Based on cutting in strip to increase natural regeneration in Pinus densiflora plantation, the structure and growth of regeneration population were analyzed. 通过在人工林内带状间伐开拓天然更新效应带,分析了赤松在不同试验地内的天然更新种群的结构与生长状况。
Spatial distribution patterns and intensity of Pinus densiflora population in Shandong Province 山东赤松种群的空间分布型及强度
The variations of wood basic density and tracheid length, tracheid width, ratio of tracheid length and width of Pinus densiflora plantation in different stands were studied in this paper. 研究分析了不同林分人工林赤松木材的生长轮基本密度和管胞长度、管胞宽度及管胞长宽比等管胞形态特征的变异。
The effect on natural regeneration of pinus densiflora plantation by cutting in strip(ⅱ): the structure of natural regeneration population and its growth 带状间伐促进赤松人工林天然更新的效果(Ⅱ)&更新种群的结构与生长
Toxicity and marrow cell chromosome aberration examination for pollen of Pinus densiflora 赤松花粉毒性及对大白鼠细胞染色体致畸的测试
The Variations of Wood Tracheid Morphological Characteristics and Density of Pinus densiflora Plantation and Natural Forest 人工林与天然林赤松木材管胞形态特征及密度的变异
Photosynthetic characteristics and water use efficiency of Pinus densiflora under different soil moisture conditions 不同土壤水分对赤松光合作用与水分利用效率的影响研究
Preliminary Study on Variation Pattern of Wood Properties of Natural Pinus densiflora 天然林赤松木材材质变异规律的初步研究
Early Prediction of Wood Quality for Pinus densiflora 赤松木材材质早期预测
A Study with I& and~ m Index on the Vein of Spatial Patterns of Pinus densiflora Population in Shandong Province 利用I&和~m指标法对山东赤松种群空间分布格局纹理的研究
Fiber length and fiber width of Pinus thunbergii Parl and Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc ranked in the top two of all species. 黑松和赤松的纤维长度和宽度指标排在所有树种的的前两位,白榆和麻栎的纤维长宽比排在前两位。